Privacy Policy

ProductPlanet respects the privacy of everyone whose personal data is processed by ProductPlanet, including in particular those of visitors and users of the website (hereinafter: 'the website'). ProductPlanet considers the careful handling of personal data to be of great importance. ProductPlanet will process your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016).

ProductPlanet processes personal data that you provide to ProductPlanet, such as:

  • Entering into an agreement with ProductPlanet regarding the delivery of products, or your request to conclude such an agreement.
  • Sending a message via the contact form or the chat module on the website.
  • Writing a review.
  • Registering for and receiving newsletters.

The personal data you provide to ProductPlanet will be processed for the purposes for which you specified it and otherwise as described in this privacy policy.

If you provide personal data for questions or complaints, ProductPlanet will only use this data to process your request. If you have concluded an agreement with ProductPlanet, the personal data you provide will be used to execute the relevant agreement. If you write a review on the website now or in the future, the personal data you provide will only be used to publish the review on this website.

In the context of the execution of an agreement concluded between you and ProductPlanet, the personal data you provide may be shared with third parties if and to the extent necessary in connection with the involvement of these third parties in the execution of the relevant agreement. This concerns, for example, your name and address that are shared with a mail order company that delivers the products you have purchased on behalf of ProductPlanet to the delivery address agreed with you, or your payment details that are shared with an external payment provider if you use the website. payment for the order has been made.

If you have expressly registered to receive newsletters, ProductPlanet will process the personal data you provide in this context only in order to be able to send you the requested newsletters. If you have once concluded an agreement with ProductPlanet, ProductPlanet may, without prior consent, send you commercial e-mail messages if these messages mainly relate to, or are relevant to, the products previously purchased by you from ProductPlanet. You can unsubscribe from further receipt of such messages in the manner indicated in the relevant messages.

The above processing of personal data is permitted by law on the basis that you have given implicit or explicit permission for this, or on the basis that the processing is necessary to implement an agreement concluded between you and ProductPlanet or to comply with your request for concluding such an agreement. “Agreement” must be interpreted broadly in this context. Your possible registration to receive newsletters will also be regarded as an “agreement”.

In addition, ProductPlanet processes personal data if and insofar as this is necessary on the basis of a legal regulation or court order, as well as on the so-called legal basis 'legitimate interests'. Legitimate interests include, for example, the detection of (attempts at) unlawful and/or criminal conduct directed against ProductPlanet or third parties, for example in connection with the use of the website. Legitimate interests also include the processing (including storage) of your personal data by ProductPlanet's hosting provider, in order to operate ProductPlanet's website and e-mail facilities, the operator of the chat software used by ProductPlanet to enable the relevant messaging function. MailChimp for sending newsletters, the operator of the review software used by ProductPlanet for publishing your review on the website and sharing your personal data with an accounting firm in order to take care of the administration and accounting of ProductPlanet.

ProductPlanet stores your personal data within the European Economic Area (“EEA”). However, it may happen that certain personal data that ProductPlanet collects is transferred to or stored outside the EEA because an external service provider of ProductPlanet is located there. If this is the case, ProductPlanet ensures that the processing of your personal data outside the EEA takes place in a safe and lawful manner. In this context, ProductPlanet will take the necessary steps to ensure that your personal data is adequately protected.

In all cases, only authorized employees of ProductPlanet have access to your personal data and only to the extent necessary to perform the tasks assigned to them. This also applies to third parties to whom ProductPlanet provides personal data as described above. ProductPlanet will not sell your personal data under any circumstances. The persons under the responsibility of ProductPlanet, as well as third parties engaged by ProductPlanet, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your personal data. To the extent that ProductPlanet outsources the processing of personal data to a third party, ProductPlanet will take the necessary steps to ensure that your personal data is adequately protected. Such steps include, if and to the extent required by law, entering into a processing agreement with such recipients to ensure that they take the same or comparable technical and organizational measures as ProductPlanet, so that your personal data is adequately protected.


ProductPlanet uses functional, analytical cookies, social media cookies, marketing cookies and similar techniques (such as Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel and Instagram Pixel that can automatically collect data when you visit the website). A cookie is a small text file that is stored in the browser of your device when you visit the website. ProductPlanet uses cookies with only technical functionality. These ensure that the website works properly and that, for example, your preference settings are remembered. These cookies are also used to ensure that the website works properly and to optimize it.

ProductPlanet also collects data for research using analytical cookies in order to gain a better insight into the use of the website by its visitors. Analytical cookies help analyze how the website is used by collecting log data and visitor behavior on the website in an anonymous form.

ProductPlanet also uses cookies to display relevant offers and advertisements via third-party websites. ProductPlanet only uses information to show relevant offers and advertisements if you have given permission for this. Marketing cookies are used to collect this information. ProductPlanet can also link your personal data to any additional information that ProductPlanet has received from you. ProductPlanet may also share your personal data with trusted third parties, for example advertisers and advertising networks, to provide you with personalized offers. These third parties may place their own cookies on your device to support ProductPlanet with targeted advertising, tailored to your personal interests. The said third parties will only collect your personal data to the extent that you have given your consent to the placing of cookies for marketing purposes.

Social media cookies relate to buttons that serve to promote or share web pages on social media networks. These buttons work using pieces of code that come from the social media networks themselves. This code places cookies.

The cookie policy on the website further describes the extent to which ProductPlanet uses cookies.


You have the right to request ProductPlanet to inspect, delete and rectify your personal data as well as to limit the processing concerning you. You also have the right to object to the processing and you have the right to data portability. This means that you can submit a request to ProductPlanet to send your personal data that ProductPlanet processes in a computer file to you or an organization mentioned by you.

To the extent that the processing of personal data is based on consent obtained from you, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal. You have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority or, if you live in a country other than the Netherlands, the supervisory authority there.


Personal data will only be kept by ProductPlanet for as long as this is necessary in view of the purposes for which they were obtained. ProductPlanet implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against loss and against any form of unlawful processing. These measures guarantee an appropriate level of security, taking into account the state of the art and the costs of implementation, taking into account the risks associated with the processing and the nature of the personal data to be protected. The measures are partly aimed at preventing unnecessary processing of personal data.


For questions about this privacy policy or questions or complaints about the processing of your personal data by ProductPlanet, you can contact ProductPlanet. ProductPlanet is happy to help you if you have questions or complaints about the processing of your personal data by ProductPlanet or if you want to change or delete your personal data.